Elcom’s SATUC-2000 is a high dynamic range microwave upconverter covering 27.5 to 31 GHz with 10 Hz tuning resolution. The agile LO in this downconverter employs Elcom’s advanced frequency synthesizer architecture which combines a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) within a VCO-based PLL synthesizer. Fixed frequency LOs utilize Elcom’s SPDRO phase locked coaxial resonator oscillator technology. This combination delivers low phase noise, low spurious, and fast tuning speed. A programmable sweep frequency control feature facilitates setup of frequency sweeps.
There are two IF inputs: one centered at 700 MHz with a fixed bandwidth of 250 MHz, and one centered at 70 MHz with a fixed bandwidth of 40 MHz. Up conversion gain is controlled by programmable attenuators on both IF channels providing 15 dB control range in 0.25 dB steps. Non-inverting or inverting spectral conversion can be selected independently for the two IF inputs.
The SATUC-2000 is engineered to provide superior RF performance in terms of dynamic range, low phase noise, and fast tuning speed. Its RF performance along with its wide range of system control features make the SATUC-2000 an excellent solution for a wide range of demanding microwave upconverter applications.
MARKETS: ELINT, SATCOM, Radar Warning Receivers (RWR)
- Synthetic Instrumentation
- Radar Warning Receivers (RWR)

Technical Data Sheet
- Very High Dynamic Range
- Fast Switching Synthesizer with 1 KHz Max Tuning Resolution
- Excellent Phase Noise Performance: < 0.5° RMS
- Up to 500 MHz Bandwidth 700MHz L band output
- 40 MHz Bandwidth 70 MHz Secondary IF Input
- Optional Manual Controlled Equalizer
- Advanced Front Panel Graphical Display
- Ethernet 10/ SS 100 BaseT, RS 232, RS422
- 1U 19” Rack Standard*
- Optional DSP Based Demodulator (DSR)