Utilizing Elcom’s advanced frequency architecture which incorporates a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) within a VCO based PLL synthesizer the tunable LO features low phase noise with fast tuning speed, low spurious and small tuning step size. The tuner-downconverter can be programmed remotely via the Ethernet interface or manually via the front panel keyboard with rotary knob.
Like all of our products, customers may realize little or no NRE costs through the application of our FlxGen© architecture to our family of down converters / tuners.
500 MHz to 26.5 GHz full band coverage is possible in a 1U nineteen inch rack. In house filter designers in conjunction with on site laser trimming allows for varying filter schemes based on the customer requirement.
Elcom’s VPXTR-6501 is an important component of the Active Offboard Electronic Warfare (AOEW) Active Mission Payload (AMP). AOEW is a self-contained EW pod hosted by an MH-60R or MH-60S Seahawk helicopter, which provides the Navy advanced ASM detection and response capabilities. AOEW allows the Navy to not only see incoming threats, but to respond to them. Ideal for Electronic Warfare, the VPXTR-6501 is a VPX Based 2 Channel UP/Down Converter for Advanced Off-Board Electronic Warfare (AOEW).
- 2 6U VPX – Option 1 6U VPX
- Frequency Range: 2.0 to 18GHz, 6 to 18GHz, up to 67 GHz
- 1 GHz Bandwidth up to 2GHz
- Ultra-Fast Tuning
- Four Tuners in 6U VPX, 2 Slot Wide
- Phase Coherent Switching
- Built-In Sharp Anti-Aliasing L-Band
- Bandpass Filter for Optimized IBW
- Electronic Warfare (ECM)
- Monopulse RADAR Receivers
- Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
- Real Time Spectrum Analysis (RTSA)

Technical Data Sheet
SIDC-5000 Series V/UHF Tuner/Downconverter
Input Frequency 20 MHz-3 GHz
IF Frequencies available from 10.7 MHz to 160 MHz
IF BW’s available from 1 MHz to 40 MHz
1U, 19″ rack mount
SIDC-6000 Series Microwave Tuner/Downconverter
Input Frequency 500MHz – 26.5 GHz
IF Output 70/140/160 MHz, user selectable
IF BW 1MHz to 80 MHz user selectable
L-Band Output 1.0 or 1.2 GHz
L-Band instantaneous BW 500 MHz
1U, 19″ rack mount
SATDC-1000 Ka Band Downconverter
Input Frequency 17.7 – 21.2 GHz
IF Output 70 MHz with 40 MHz BW
Wide L-Band Output 700 MHz with 250 MHz BW
1U, 19″ rack mount
SATDC-3000 Multiband Downconverter
Input Frequency 3 – 9 GHz
IF Output 70 MHz +/- 20 MHz
Noise Figure 13 dB
Group Delay
Parabolic 0.02ns/MHz^2 (0.0040ns/MHz^2)
Linear (+ or-) 0.05ns/MHz (0.03ns/MHz)
Ripple 1ns p-p
1U, 19″ rack mount
VPXTR Synthesized Tuner Dual Channel Up & Down Converter
2 to 18 GHz, 6 to 18 GHz
(Up to 67 GHz Option)
BW: 1 GHz, 2 GHz (Up to 4 GHz Contact Factory)
VPX, 2 SLOT, 6U / VPX 1 SLOT, 6U – Contact Factory
VPXST Four Channel Down Converter
2 to 18 GHz, 6 to 18 GHz
(Up to 67 GHz Option)
BW: 1 GHz / 2 GHz (Up to 4 GHz Contact Factory)
VPX, 2 SLOT, 6U / VPX, 1 SLOT, 6U – Contact Factory