FEI Elcom has a 20 year history of delivering high performance RF Products. The following products are legacy and no longer formally supported. We can provide customers with modern form fit function replacements for most of our legacy products. Please reach out for a quote if interested.
IBS – Legacy Rack Mount Synthesizer
The IBS wideband low phase noise microwave frequency synthesizer covers the full 100 MHz to 20 GHz tuning range with a tuning step size of 10 Hz and with tuning speed of less than 200 microseconds. Based on Elcom’s proprietary PLL indirect frequency synthesizer technology which utilizes high speed digital signal processing, the IBS is a cost-effective solution for a wide range of demanding frequency synthesizer applications. An AM modulator, a fast pulse modulator, and multiple 60 dB range variable attenuators are integrated within the IBS system. While the IBS is often used as stand-alone laboratory instrument, with its exceptional RF performance, signal control features, and options for interface and packaging, the fast tuning IBS is ideal in the ATE environment and in OEM systems.
Application of the latest semiconductor technologies for microwave and digital circuitry within the IBS reduces parts count and reduces power dissipation, leading to high system MTBF. The IBS is offered in two standard packaging and interface configurations: 19 inch rack-mount with GPIB interface, and 3 slot VME format.
The front panel is designed to allow all major functions to be operated easily and without extensive operator training. The operator is guided through various settings and operations via a multi-line LCD and keypad for data entry. All operating modes and features can be invoked from both the front panel and remote control interface. The unit can also be provided without the front panel interface and controlled exclusively via the remote control interface. The functions of the IBS/VMESG Series instruments are divided into groups on the front panel that make changing settings easier.
APPLICATIONS: Antenna Measurement, LAB Instrumentation, ATE
- Wide Frequency Bandwidth: 0.1 to 20 GHz
- Fast Switching Speed: 200 usec, Full Band
- Exceptionally Clean Signal: -60 dBc Spurious
- -50 dBc (0.1 to 0.5 GHz) Harmonics
- -55 dBc (0 5 to 20 GHz ) Harmonics
- Low Phase Noise Floor: -153 dBc/Hz up to 6 GHz
- Low Phase Noise: -137 dBc/Hz, 20 KHz Offset at 1 GHz
- Ethernet Control
- Designed For High MTBF and Quick Service Time
- Optional Bands: 0.1 to 6.0 GHz, 2.0 to 18 GHz
- Switching Speed: 100 usec
- Low Phase Noise Option
- Modulation Option: AM, FM, Pulse
- 110 dB Attenuator (10 dB steps)
- RS-232 Interface
- GPIB Interface

Technical Data Sheet
VMEST Microwave
The VMEST is a broadband microwave tuner/down converter housed in a 3-slot 6U VME package. The VMET covers 50 MHz to 18 GHz with 10 Hz tuning step size. Its compact industry standard VME modular package makes VMEST ideal for complex test and measurement systems where space is limited.
Frequency coverage is divided into two bands, each having a separate SMA input connector. Band 1 covers 50 MHz to 2000 MHz. Band 2 covers 2000 MHz to 18 GHz and includes a broad band YIG pre-selector. The desired band is switch selectable. The VMET tuner employs a triple conversion architecture with selectable IF output frequencies at 70 MHz or 140 MHz. This architecture is engineered for low spurious and high dynamic range. The agile LO synthesizer in this system is a standard Elcom IBS, indirect, type of frequency synthesizer delivering excellent phase noise and fast tuning and small step size.
- 70 dB Selectivity
- 45 dB Gain Adjustment
- 1 GHz/ 140 MHz IF
- Up To 500 MHz Bandwidth
- Light Weight
- Small Size
- Low Cost
- High Performance

Technical Data Sheet
IDC-5000 Series VHF/UHF
The SIDC-5000 is a high dynamic range, fast tuning VHF/UHF tuner-down converter covering the 20 MHz to 3000 MHz input frequency range with 10 Hz tuning step size. A four band switched filter preselector allows fast tuning and provides high rejection of out-of-band signals. The standard IF output center frequency is 21.4 MHz with 10 MHz IF bandwidth. Optional IF center frequency/IF bandwidth configurations offered are of 10.7 MHz/5 MHz, 20 MHz/10 MHz, 40 MHz/20 MHz and 70 MHz/40 MHz. The RF to IF gain can be adjusted over a 30 dB range with 1 dB step size.
Utilizing Elcom’s advanced frequency synthesizer architecture which incorporates a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) within a VCO based PLL frequency synthesizer, the tunable LO of the SIDC-5000 features low phase noise with fast tuning speed, low spurious, and small tuning step size. The VHF/UHF tuner-down converter can be controlled remotely through the Ethernet interface, or manually through front the font panel keypad and control knob. The SIDC-5000 is ideal for those demanding VHF/UHF tuner-down-converter applications requiring ultra wide dynamic range and fast tuning speed.
APPLICATIONS: COMINT, Synthetic Instrumentation, Radio Monitoring of Broadcast Stations and IARU-monitoring, Emission Compliancy Testing, Direction Finding (DF) Systems, SATCOM, Radar Warning Receivers (RWR)
- Seamless Tuning From 20 to 3000 MHz
- Ultra Wide Dynamic Range – 20 dBm Out of Band, 10 dBm In Band IP3,
- 14 dB Noise Figure Typical
- Fast Tuning Synthesizer Provides Fast Tuning (Contact Factory, ITAR Restricted)
- Low Phase Noise Synthesizer, Less Than 0.5° RMS Integrated Phase Noise
- Less Than -110 dBm Internally Generated Spurious
- 10.7 MHz, 30 MHz, 70 MHz, 140 MHz or 160 MHz IF Output

Technical Data Sheets
- High Dynamic Range Enables the End User to Reject Blocking Signals Often Undetected by Less Sensitive Tuners
- High Dynamic Range Allows the End User to Reject High Powered Adjacent Channel Signals Improving Signal Of Interest Selectivity
- Fast Tuning, Bandwidth Up to 40 MHz Helps Identify Short or Burst Transmissions Such as Those Used as RF Triggers in Remote
- Detonations and Operational Signaling
- Improve Operational Flexibility While Reducing Maintenance and Repair Costs
- Modular Architecture Provides for Lower Total Cost of Ownership
- Sweep and Scan Capability
SIR-1000 HF Series
The SIR-1022 (or 1023) HF Receiver is designed for narrowband signal capture from 10 KHz to 30 MHz. With noise figure performance of 14 dB, maximum, multiple on-the-fly selectable digital IF bandwidths and a fixed 455 KHz IF output, the SIR-1022 is well suited to replace multiple legacy receivers with one universal solution. Add to this an input IP3 > 30 dBm, IP2 > 80 dBm and you have enhanced capability to improve signal detection even in the most sophisticated masking environments. Tuning speed as fast as 200 microseconds is available as an option, with 1 millisecond standard. Digitally enabled functions like IQ over Ethernet will make your systems integration task easier as the SIR-1000 eliminates the need for external IQ digitization.
MARKETS: Dynamic Spectral Management and Surveying, SIGINT,
Synthetic Instrumentation, Radio Monitoring of Broadcast Station
and IARU-monitoring, Jammer Location finding by Public Authorities,
Emission Compliancy Testing, Direction Finding (DF) Systems, EW,
Flight Line Testing

- High Dynamic Range: Input IP3 >30 dB
- DSP Based AM, FM PM, CW, ISB, USB, LSB Demodulation
- Digital I/Q Outputs over Ethernet
- Fast Switching Synthesizer with 1 Hz Tuning Resolution
- Excellent Phase Noise Performance
- 10 bands HF Switched Sub-Octave Bandpass Filter Preselector
- Manual and Automatic Gain Control with Adjustable Threshold, Dump
- 455 KHz IF BW 150 Hz to 9.6 KHz
- Ethernet 10/100 BaseT, RS 232
- 1U 19” Rack Standard*
- Spectral Display via Ethernet
- AFC and Squelch
- +/- 3 KHz BFO
- Synthetic Instrumentation
- Radio Monitoring of Broadcast Station and IARU-monitoring
- Emission Compliancy Testing
- Direction Finding (DF) SystemsTelecommunication

Technical Data Sheet
SIR-3200 VHF/UHF Series
The SIR-3200 VHF/UHF Receiver is designed for wideband applications from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz with multiple selectable digital IF bandwidths from 6 KHz up to 40 MHz, and fixed analog IF bandwidth outputs. This unique receiver has a spectral display, NRT and optional VOIP.
MARKETS: Spectral Monitoring
- High Dynamic Range Allows the End User to Reject High Powered Adjacent Channel Signals Improving Signal Of Interest Selectivity
- Fast Tuning, “Real Time Stare” Bandwidth Up to 40 MHz Helps Identify Shore or Burst Transmissions Such as Those Used as RF
- Triggers in Remote Detonations and Operational Signaling
- Improve Operational Flexibility While Reducing Maintenance and Repair Costs
- FlxGen™ Architecture Supports Multiple VHF/UHF Legacy IF Bandwidths Through Re-configurable “On The Fly” Software
- Modular Architecture Provides for Lower Total Cost of Ownership
- Sweep and Scan Capability
- Advanced Noise Riding Threshold (ANRT) for Improved Detection of Signals of Interest
- Exceptional In & Out of Band IP3 for Improved Selectivity in Dense RF Environments
- Ultra Low Colorization and Reciprocal Mixing
- Optional 30 Narrowband Digital Receivers in any 40 MHz IFBW, Multiplexed to E1 Output*
- Seamless Tuning From 20 to 3000 MHz
- Ultra Wide Dynamic Range
- Low Phase Noise RF Chain, Less Than 0.5 Degree Integration
- Less Than -110 dBm Internally Generated Spurious
- IF Output (10.7 MHz, 21.4 MHz, 70 MHz), Up to 40 MHz Bandwidth (80 MHz optional*)
- CW Chopping

Technical Data Sheet
SIDC-5000 Series VHF/UHF
The SIDC-5000 is a high dynamic range, fast tuning VHF/UHF tuner-down converter covering the 20 MHz to 3000 MHz input frequency range with 10 Hz tuning step size. A four band switched filter preselector allows fast tuning and provides high rejection of out-of-band signals. The standard IF output center frequency is 21.4 MHz with 10 MHz IF bandwidth. Optional IF center frequency/IF bandwidth configurations offered are of 10.7 MHz/5 MHz, 20 MHz/10 MHz, 40 MHz/20 MHz and 70 MHz/40 MHz. The RF to IF gain can be adjusted over a 30 dB range with 1 dB step size.
Utilizing Elcom’s advanced frequency synthesizer architecture which incorporates a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) within a VCO based PLL frequency synthesizer, the tunable LO of the SIDC-5000 features low phase noise with fast tuning speed, low spurious, and small tuning step size. The VHF/UHF tuner-down converter can be controlled remotely through the Ethernet interface, or manually through front the font panel keypad and control knob. The SIDC-5000 is ideal for those demanding VHF/UHF tuner-down-converter applications requiring ultra wide dynamic range and fast tuning speed.
APPLICATIONS: COMINT, Synthetic Instrumentation, Radio Monitoring of Broadcast Stations and IARU-monitoring, Emission Compliancy Testing, Direction Finding (DF) Systems, SATCOM, Radar Warning Receivers (RWR)
- Seamless Tuning From 20 to 3000 MHz
- Ultra Wide Dynamic Range – 20 dBm Out of Band, 10 dBm In Band IP3,
- 14 dB Noise Figure Typical
- Fast Tuning Synthesizer Provides Fast Tuning (Contact Factory, ITAR Restricted)
- Low Phase Noise Synthesizer, Less Than 0.5° RMS Integrated Phase Noise
- Less Than -110 dBm Internally Generated Spurious
- 10.7 MHz, 30 MHz, 70 MHz, 140 MHz or 160 MHz IF Output

Technical Data Sheets
- High Dynamic Range Enables the End User to Reject Blocking Signals Often Undetected by Less Sensitive Tuners
- High Dynamic Range Allows the End User to Reject High Powered Adjacent Channel Signals Improving Signal Of Interest Selectivity
- Fast Tuning, Bandwidth Up to 40 MHz Helps Identify Short or Burst Transmissions Such as Those Used as RF Triggers in Remote
- Detonations and Operational Signaling
- Improve Operational Flexibility While Reducing Maintenance and Repair Costs
- Modular Architecture Provides for Lower Total Cost of Ownership
- Sweep and Scan Capability
SIDC-6000 Series Microwave
Elcom’s SIDC-6000 is a high dynamic range microwave downconverter/tuner covering 0.5 to 26.5 GHz with 10 Hz tuning resolution. The SIDC-6000 provides essentially all of the RF functions of Elcom’s SIR-4000 receiver, excluding digital IF signal processing. The agile LO in this downconverter employs Elcom’s advanced frequency synthesizer architecture which combines a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) within a VCO-based PLL synthesizer. This combination delivers low phase noise, low spurious, and fast tuning speed along with the 10 MHz tuning frequency step size. The system provides scan and sweep frequency control modes.
There are two IF outputs: one centered at 1.2 GHz with fixed 500 MHz bandwidth, and one centered at 70 MHz with selectable IF bandwidths of 10, 20, 30 and 40 MHz. The 70 MHz IF has Automatic Gain Control (AGC) with fast attack time and programmable decay time, and the AGC power level is programmable. For operation under manual gain control, programmable attenuators on both IF channels provide 42 dB control range in 1 dB steps. Non-inverting or inverting spectral conversion can be selected independently for the two IF outputs. An option is offered to allow phase coherent operation of multiple SIDC-6000 downconverters.
The SIDC-6000 is engineered to provide superior RF performance in terms of dynamic range, low phase noise, and fast tuning speed. This RF performance, along with numerous signal control and system control features, make the SIDC-6000 an excellent solution for a wide range of demanding microwave downconverter applications.
APPLICATIONS: ELINT, Synthetic Instrumentation, Radio Monitoring of Broadcast Stations and IARU-monitoring, Emission Compliancy Testing, Direction Finding (DF) Systems, SATCOM, Radar Warning Receivers (RWR)

Technical Data Sheets
- High Dynamic Range
- Fast Switching Synthesizer with 10 Hz Tuning Resolution
- Excellent Phase Noise Performance: < 0.5° RMS
- 500 MHz Bandwidth 1.2 GHz CF L band output
- 70/140/160 MHz CF Selectable IF Output
- Sweep and Scan up to 500 MHz per Millisecond
- Manual and Automatic Gain Control with Adjustable Threshold
- Advanced Front Panel Alphanumeric Display
- Ethernet 10/100 BaseT, RS 232, RS422
- 1 U 19” Rack